Open Prep Programming Cycle (Jan 13 - Feb 22)

January 12, 2025

Skill Workshops:

I’ll be available to do a skill workshop on either February 8th or 22nd. This will be free for CFG members! I’d like to gather some movements/skills that our members would like to go over in a workshop setting. Please email the date that works best for you, along with 1-2 topics you’d like to cover. 

1:1 Coaching Availability:

If you’re looking to improve 1-3 specific movements, I’ll be available outside of class hours to provide assessments and coaching. These sessions may be 30 minutes (1 movement), or 60 minutes (2-3 movements). These are NOT workouts, they are a chance to break down your movement and correct any faults holding you back. Then, we’ll come up with a progression to move you closer to your goal over the next month. I’ll provide you with four weeks of individual programming to perform 2x week outside of class. This extra work will only take 10-20 minutes per session, so they will compliment the class training and shouldn’t interfere with it. Sessions cost $50 for 30-minutes and $100 for 60-minutes (the programming is included in this fee). If you’re interested in learning more, my available dates are listed below. Please email for more information! 


  • Wednesday 1/15
  • Friday 1/17
  • Tuesday 1/21 
  • Thursday 1/23
  • Friday 1/24 


Cycle Overview:  

We’re moving into our Open Prep cycle to get ready for the 2025 CrossFit Open. Our gym will be programming the Open workout as our Friday class workout on February 28th, March 8th, and March 14th. We will be releasing more information regarding themes and extracurriculars for our community sometime soon. Today’s post is more geared towards the fitness side of things. Below you’ll find information about common movement combinations, popular movements, and an outline of this cycle’s structure over the next six weeks. If anyone has questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via text or email! 

Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication.

– Coach Joey 

Most Common Movement Combinations in the Open: 


  • Thruster and Chest to Bar
  • Deadlift and Handstand Push-up
  • Wall Balls and Rowing OR Muscle Ups 
  • Toes to Bar and Cleans
  • Wall Walks and Double Under



  • Toes-to-Bar
  • Chest-to-Bar
  • Handstand Push-ups 
  • Double Unders 
  • Bar Muscle Up
  • Ring Muscle Up
  • Overhead Squat
  • Snatch variations 
  • Clean & Jerk variations 

Conditioning and Common Loading/Volume: 


  • Thrusters (95/65lbs for 30-60 reps)
  • Deadlifts (225/155 for 30-60 reps)
  • Wall Balls (100+ reps)
  • Wall Walks (15+ reps)
  • Burpee Variations (50+ reps)
  • DB Lunges (50/35lbs for 50+ reps)
  • DB Snatch (50/35 for 50+ reps)
  • Row (always for calories)
  • Shuttle Runs 

Open Prep Lifting Structure: 



  • Olympic Lifting Variations 
  • Press Variations 
  • Squat Variations 




  • Bench Press
  • Deadlift
  • Back Squat 


Progression (everything but Olympic lifting)


  • Session 1: Heavy 5 
  • Session 2: Heavy 3 
  • Session 3: Heavy 1 


All lifting sets will be based on auto-regulation, meaning you are adding weight by form/feel daily to the assigned rep range. We’re lifting to a heavy top set for the day to prevent burnout with the combination of our harder conditioning. The goal is to add weight on the bench, back squat and deadlift as the reps decrease each session. 


Be sure to bring your grips and jump ropes to class daily. We will be mixing in regular double under practice and bar work to increase our exposure/frequency to help develop these skills. 


  • Double Under practice
  • Pull-up strength (negatives + tempo work) 
  • Toes to Bar accessory (hip flexor work) 
  • Kip swing skill 

Skill Work: 

You’ll begin to notice on “A” weeks we’ll have designated skill segments for you to practice movements without the stress or fatigue of a workout. This is the time to scale up from where you are currently, before scaling back down during the workout to achieve the stimulus. Your coach will be able to help you identify where you are for certain movements, but it’s important to take ownership of your development. Practice needs to be done at low heart rates and in low rep ranges (1-3). This is NOT meant to be taxing, we’re focused on refining mechanics and improving coordination/timing. It should feel productive and intentional. If you feel lost, you may be trying to move up a level too quickly. If you don’t care about skills, you can always substitute strict work to improve your strength during this time. Be sure to communicate with your coaches! 


Bar Muscle Up Skill: Choose an option that’s beyond your ability to do in workouts, but that you can intentionally practice before scaling back in the workout. For example, if box bar muscle ups are appropriate for you to do 5’s unbroken in today’s workout, scale UP to banded practice during this skill work. 


  • Level 1 - Work on kip swings
  • Level 2 - Work on box bar muscle ups
  • Level 3 - Work on banded bar muscle ups
  • Level 4 - Work on bar muscle ups
  • Level 5 - Work on strict bar muscle ups


Every 2:00 x 7 rounds  

5 Bar Muscle Up 

10 DB Snatch, alt (50/35) 

50 Double Under 

Rx+ (7 BMU, 14 DB Snatch, 70 DU)


3 rounds for reps 

5:00 AMRAP / 5:00 REST 

15 Push-ups

30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

15 Push-ups 

30/24 Row Calories 

Rx+ (same work, push-ups not split)

30 Push-ups

30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

30/24 Row Calories


Front Squat

15:00 to build to a heavy set of 5 

5 rounds for time

15 Deadlifts (95/65) 

12 Hang Power Clean 

9 Thrusters


Chest-to-Bar Skill: Choose an option that’s beyond your ability to do in workouts, but that you can intentionally practice before scaling back in the workout. For example, if jumping C2B are appropriate for you to do 7’s unbroken in today’s workout, scale UP to banded practice during this skill work. 


  • Level 1 - Work on kip swings
  • Level 2 - Work on jumping C2B (with kipping motion)
  • Level 3 - Work on banded C2B
  • Level 4 - Work on C2B (kipping or butterfly)
  • Level 5 - Build to a 5RM weighted C2B if you have 10+ butterfly C2B


3 rounds for reps 

1:00 Chest-to-Bar

1:00 Double Under

1:00 Bike Calories 

1:00 Rest 


3 Position Snatch 

Spend 15:00 practicing, working through each position (from the floor, hang, dip) in one smooth complex. Add weight as form allows. These may be squat/power/muscle variations depending on the skill level of the individual athlete. 

3 rounds for time 

400m Run 

15 Power Snatch (95/65)

15 Bar-Facing-Burpees 


Strict Press

12:00 to build to a heavy set of 5 

AMRAP x 20:00

[Teams of 2]

100 Wall Balls (20/14)

100 Row Calories 

Divide reps/calories as needed. 



March 9, 2025
PROGRAMMING It's the final week of the Open! We'll be dialing things back on the lifting this week to recharge before starting our new training block on March 17th. Monday we'll be giving the shoulders, arms and legs a break following 25.2. Tuesday we'll be targeting pressing to help offset all the pulling from 25.2, with lunges being slotted to wake the legs back up and help flush out any lingering stiffness. Wednesday we have a flow day, with an intent on relaxed pacing and stability on the Turkish Get-Ups and pulling strength/stamina on the legless rope climbs. Thursday we have some aerobic power intervals, but be cautious with the intensity you bring. The intent is to hit these at a 6-7 RPE to help flush and fire things up heading into the final Open workout. If anyone has questions regarding FNL or the after hours event, be sure to email Matt for more information . Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. Let's have a great week! - Coach Joey MONDAY 5 rounds for reps 1:00 Sandbag Cleans (100/75) 1:00 Rest 1:00 Bike Calories 1:00 Rest TUESDAY For time 800m Run 30 Push-ups 30 DB-FR Walking Lunge (50s/35s) 20 Push-ups 20 DB-FR Walking Lunge (50s/35s) 10 Push-ups 10 DB-FR Walking Lunge (50s/35s) 800m Run WEDNESDAY 10 rounds for time 1 Turkish Get-up (per arm) 1 Legless Rope Climb Use either a KB or DB for the Turkish Get-ups. KB Rx (53/35) DB Rx (50/35) THURSDAY 5 x 2:00 on / 2:00 off 15/12 Row Calories 50 Double Under AMRAP BBJO (24/20) FRIDAY 25.3 SATURDAY TBA
March 2, 2025
FNL & SCULLERY RSVP Friday 3/14 we will be walking over to The Scullery following Friday Night Lights for an after hours event. $20/adult for entry/food $10/child for entry/food Cash bar for beer and wine (charged additionally per item), which you can open a tab and close out before you leave Credit cards and apple pay accepted as well There's roughly a 70 person capacity at The Scullery, so it's important you RSVP in this form with an accurate headcount! CLICK HERE to RSVP! OVERVIEW March 3-8 There's a small tweak to the weekly template due to weather forecasts this week. We're expecting 75% rain/thunderstorms on Wednesday, so we'll be swapping our Monday intervals to Wednesday and our longer aerobic work to Monday. Thursday will continue with prehab work as the warm-up, but we'll be doing Skill or Sweat after our maintenance work. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication. - Coach Joey MONDAY Every 10:00 x 3 rounds 800m Run or 60/50 Calorie Bike AMRAP in remaining time... 2 Rope Climb 4 Wall Walks 6 Power Cleans (155/105) No rest between rounds, when the clock hits 10 minutes head out for your next run. Pick up where you left off the previous round on the AMRAP each interval. TUESDAY Baseline Testing Bench Press 1RM Back Squat 1RM WEDNESDAY 4 x (4:00 on / 4:00 off) 500/400m Row AMRAP in remaining time... 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 45 Double Under THURSDAY 3 sets 10/10 Side Plank Powell Raise 20 Wall Leaning Tib Raises 20/20 Patrick Step-ups 20 DB Wall Butterfly Stretch Elevate the side plank with the elbow on a bench. Patrick step-ups will be done elevated on 1-2 bumper plates. Skill or Sweat Athletes may choose to do skill work, mobility, or lifting in place of today's conditioning. AMRAP 20 200m Run 30 Sit-ups 30 Russian KB Swing (53/35) 150ft Suitcase Carry, right arm 150ft Suitcase Carry, left arm FRIDAY Open 25.2 Workout will be announced on Thursday at 3:00pm on the CrossFit Games website and YouTube channel. SATURDAY TBA
February 23, 2025
CONGRATULATIONS COACH BEN! Big shoutout to Ben Ward for becoming a United States Citizen this past week! Ben is such a huge part of our team and community and we're so happy for him. If you see him in the gym this week, be sure to say congratulations. We'll be doing the CrossFit workout "1776" to celebrate Coach Ben after we wrap the Open. NEW TRAINING BLOCK February 24th - March 15th Strength One of our main goals during this block is to test our 1RM's for our primary strength lifts (deadlift, back squat, front squat, power clean, bench and shoulder press). We've already tested 1RM's in the power clean and front squat over the last two weeks. If you're unable to make an upcoming testing day, or missed the power clean or front squat, I strongly encourage you to use Open Gym access to make up testing. We will be doing a strength biased training block with percentages after the Open, so it will be important to have accurate lifting numbers. Conditioning The primary task of the Open is testing fitness. We've hit it hard over the last six weeks, so at this point our focus should be more on maintaining fitness levels and feeling fresh for the Open test on Friday. The workouts won't be watered down, but it's important that you regulate your intensity so you're not trashed by the end of the week. Weekly Template Due to the rigidity of the Open, we'll be using a fixed weekly template to ensure recovery by the time we test the workout on Monday - Intervals Tuesday - Strength Testing Wednesday - Longer Conditioning Thursday - Knees Over Toes + Light Olympic Lifting Friday - Open workout Saturday - Partner/team workout (TBA) MONDAY EMOM x 20:00 Min 1: Toes to Bar Min 2: Hang Squat Clean (95/65) Min 3: Double Under Min 4: Row Calories Min 5: Rest Aim for 30-45 seconds of consistent work each round. The goal is to hit the same number of reps for each movement across the 20 minutes. TUESDAY Baseline Testing Shoulder Press 1RM Deadlift 1RM WEDNESDAY AMRAP x 30:00 400m Run 8 Burpee Pull-ups 16 Box Jumps (24/20) 100m Farmers Carry (50s/35s) THURSDAY 3 sets 10 Pull Overs on Medicine Ball 10 DB Upright Rows (per side) 10 ATG Split Squats (per side) 10 DB Bench Good Morning Every 45-seconds x 12 sets 1 Snatch @ RPE 5-6 FRIDAY Open 25.1 Workout will be announced on Thursdays at 3:00pm on the CrossFit Games website! SATURDAY TBA
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