Big shoutout to Ben Ward for becoming a United States Citizen this past week! Ben is such a huge part of our team and community and we're so happy for him. If you see him in the gym this week, be sure to say congratulations. We'll be doing the CrossFit workout "1776" to celebrate Coach Ben after we wrap the Open.
February 24th - March 15th
One of our main goals during this block is to test our 1RM's for our primary strength lifts (deadlift, back squat, front squat, power clean, bench and shoulder press). We've already tested 1RM's in the power clean and front squat over the last two weeks. If you're unable to make an upcoming testing day, or missed the power clean or front squat, I strongly encourage you to use Open Gym access to make up testing. We will be doing a strength biased training block with percentages after the Open, so it will be important to have accurate lifting numbers.
The primary task of the Open is testing fitness. We've hit it hard over the last six weeks, so at this point our focus should be more on maintaining fitness levels and feeling fresh for the Open test on Friday. The workouts won't be watered down, but it's important that you regulate your intensity so you're not trashed by the end of the week.
Weekly Template
Due to the rigidity of the Open, we'll be using a fixed weekly template to ensure recovery by the time we test the workout on
EMOM x 20:00
Min 1: Toes to Bar
Min 2: Hang Squat Clean (95/65)
Min 3: Double Under
Min 4: Row Calories
Min 5: Rest
Aim for 30-45 seconds of consistent work each round. The goal is to hit the same number of reps for each movement across the 20 minutes.
Baseline Testing
Shoulder Press 1RM
Deadlift 1RM
AMRAP x 30:00
400m Run
8 Burpee Pull-ups
16 Box Jumps (24/20)
100m Farmers Carry (50s/35s)
3 sets
10 Pull Overs on Medicine Ball
10 DB Upright Rows (per side)
10 ATG Split Squats (per side)
10 DB Bench Good Morning
Every 45-seconds x 12 sets
1 Snatch @ RPE 5-6
Open 25.1
Workout will be announced on Thursdays at 3:00pm on the CrossFit Games website!
818 Clark St, Greenville, NC 27834, United States of America