Shoutout to Coach Parker for putting together this awesome info packet for our 2025 Community Open! Click on the button below to learn everything you need to know!
3 rounds for reps
2:30 on / 2:30 off
12-9-6 (Buy-in)
DB Push Press (50s/35s)
Toes to Bar
Max reps in the remaining time…
Sandbag Clean (100/75)
EMOM x 12:00
Min 1: Empty Barbell Upright Rows
Min 2: Empty Barbell Curls
Min 3: Empty Barbell Skull Crushers
Min 4: Plate Russian Twists 25/15
AMRAP x 25:00
5 rounds (Buy-in)
60 Double Under
15/12 Row cals OR 12/9 Bike cals
Max reps in remaining time…
10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
30 Air Squats
4 rounds for reps (0:00-12:00)
1:00 Power Snatch (75/55)
1:00 BBJO (24/20)
1:00 Rest
Rest (12:00-15:00)
Power Snatch (15:00-25:00)
Build to a quality single in 10:00
EMOM x 20:00
Min 1: Sit-ups (GHD or AbMat)
Min 2: Wall Balls (20/14)
Min 3: Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Min 4: Calories (machine of choice)
Min 5: Rest
Practice skills, lift, make up a workout, or do recovery work.
10 rounds for reps
45s on / 45s off
3 Muscle Ups
Max Squat Cleans (165/115)
AMRAP x 20:00
[Teams of 2]
DB Alternating Devil Press (50/35)
Bike Calories
Reps/Calories divided as needed.
818 Clark St, Greenville, NC 27834, United States of America