Back Squat:
20 minutes to find a 2RM
Strict Press:
10 minutes to find a 2RM
Every 4 minutes x 5 rounds:
21 wallballs (20/14)
15/12 calorie row
9 toes-to-bar (or ring)
3 rounds for time:
800m run
10 power cleans
10 strict handstand push-ups
Recommended weights:
F: 105-125lbs
M: 155-185lbs
5 rounds with a partner:
15/12 calorie bike
50 double unders
10 burpees to target
Partner A bikes, then Partner B bikes, then Partner A does their double unders, then Partner B does their double unders, then Partner A does their burpees to target, then Partner B does their burpees to target. Complete five total rounds following this pattern.
For time:
100’ DB front rack lunge
100’ Handstand walk
20 Pull-ups
75’ DB front rack lunge
75’ Handstand walk
15 Pull-ups
50’ DB front rack lunge
50’ Handstand walk
10 Pull-ups
25’ DB front rack lunge
25’ Handstand walk
5 Pull-ups
Recommended weights:
F: A pair of 25-35lb dumbbells
M: A pair of 40-50lb dumbbells
Build to a moderate complex:
Snatch Pull
Hang Power Snatch
3 sets with a partner:
Power Snatch
Box Jump Over (24/20)
Partner A does 12-9-6 and then rests while Partner B does their 12-9-6. Repeat this for a total of 3 sets and your score is the total time.
Recommended weights:
F: 55-65lbs
M: 75-95lbs
The post WODs (Dec 11-16) appeared first on CrossFit Greenville.
818 Clark St, Greenville, NC 27834, United States of America